Freedom From The Food Coaching

Freedom From The Food Coaching


Are You Struggling?

We are constantly told by the world how to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, and that our bodies need to look a certain way to be approved of. These messages could not be further from the truth. In order to sustain our body’s needs and to be nutritionally balanced, it is important to consume a variety of foods and nutrients. I am aware of the power of food. It can be nourishing, it can be healing, and it can also just taste good. Eating both nutritious and delicious meals is required for a healthy relationship with food. In the diet-obsessed culture we live in, food and body size are constantly our focus while robbing us of our freedom to live a full life. Creating a healthy body image and a nourishing relationship with food is the key to freedom.

Consider these questions to see if you are struggling in your relationship with food:

  • Do I eat when I’m not hungry?
  • Do I go on eating binges, sometimes eating until I’m stuffed or even sick?
  • Do I have feelings of guilt, shame, or embarrassment about my weight or the way I eat?
  • Is my eating affecting my health or the way I live my life?
  • When I’m feeling emotional (happy, sad, depressed, angry), do I find myself reaching for food?
  • Do I fast or severely restrict my food intake or overexercise to control my weight?
  • Do I fantasize about how much better life would be if I were a different size or weight?
  • Have I ever eaten food that is burned, frozen, spoiled, stolen, or out of the garbage?
  • Are there foods I cannot stop eating after I get started? Do I continue to eat them anyway, hoping for different results?
  • Have I yo-yo dieted so long that I feel hopeless?

"Mara aims to avoid a 'diet head mentality' and points to Jesus as the source of strength"

During coaching sessions, Mara will motivate and offer emotional support. She will empathize, pose questions, and give feedback in order to identify impulsive food behaviors and thinking patterns that keep you trapped. A major focus is to help create a healthy body image and a nourishing relationship with food. Services will include a referral to a trusted registered dietitian for collaboration and holistic support (visits are usually covered by insurance). Mara aims to avoid a “diet head mentality” and points to Jesus as the source of strength through the process. You will set goals together in hopes to create a healthy relationship with your body and food.

Freedom is possible, contact Choosing to Heal Ministries for more information

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